Is Selfie-Posting Behavior a Kind of Nonpathological Narcissism?
Grațiela SionABSTRACT. Employing recent research results covering the psychological states influenced by taking and posting selfies online, and building my argument by drawing on data collected from FHEHealth, GfK, Nielsen, OPPO, and Statista, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding U.S. adults who think it is acceptable to take a selfie in various circumstances (%, by age group), the ways in which U.S. Internet users share selfies (%, by demographic profile), and how social media impacts the way U.S. adults see themselves (%). Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the collected data.
Keywords: selfie; narcissism; impression; social network; mood; body image
How to cite: Sion, Grațiela (2019). “Is Selfie-Posting Behavior a Kind of Nonpathological Narcissism?,” Analysis and Metaphysics 18: 71–77. doi:10.22381/AM18201910
Received 19 May 2019 • Received in revised form 2 December 2019
Accepted 4 December 2019 • Available online 10 December 2019