WALTER E. BLOCKABSTRACT. Young, black, leftish, thuggish, socialist, fascist, “progressive” students at numerous U.S. campuses are in a state of rebellion against their academic overlords, the professors and administrators. They have already won some important battles. But, the philosophy upon the basis of which they draw their intellectual support is dead from the neck up. Nevertheless, with the support of the professoriate and university administrators, they are wildly successful in their endeavors. The present paper attempts to understand, explain, and oppose, these initiatives of theirs. Purpose of this paper. The reasons for writing the paper are to understand, explain, and combat the nihilism now taking place on all too many college campuses. Design/ Methodology/Approach. The main method utilized is to quote from the enemies of intellectual freedom at universities and subject them critical comment. Findings. The results are that institutions of higher learning are being overrun by hordes of anti-intellectuals. In their opinion, views hostile to their own constitute violence against them, and their employment of force, to repel unwanted speakers, is merely self-defense. Practical implications. At the very least civilized members of our society should at least be aware of the problems now besetting universities. Literature review. The literature of these issues is widely cited.
JEL codes: I23; J15; D83
Keywords: campus rebellion; political correctness; racism
How to cite: Block, Walter E. (2018). “Student Unrest: Cultural Marxist Underpinnings and Administrative Support,” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 13(1): 63–83.
Received 5 May 2017 • Received in revised form 10 June 2017
Accepted 11 June 2017 • Available online 28 June 2017