Cyber-Physical Smart Manufacturing Systems: Sustainable Industrial Networks, Cognitive Automation, and Data-Centric Business Models
Caryl Tuffnell et al.ABSTRACT. We draw on a substantial body of theoretical and empirical research on cyber-physical smart manufacturing systems, and using and replicating data from BCG, Deloitte, LMTPE-RWTH Aachen University, and PwC, we performed analyses and made estimates regarding Industry 4.0 value creation (%), elements that are expected to be highly relevant along the automotive value chain in 2030 (%), and how industrial companies are moving towards greater digital value creation, and from augmented products to serving digital ecosystems (%). Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data and test the proposed conceptual model.
JEL codes: E24; J21; J54; J64
Keywords: cyber-physical smart manufacturing system; sustainable industrial network
How to cite: Tuffnell, Caryl, Pavol Kral, Anna Siekelova, and Jakub Horak (2019). “Cyber-Physical Smart Manufacturing Systems: Sustainable Industrial Networks, Cognitive Automation, and Data-Centric Business Models,” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 14(2): 58–63. doi:10.22381/EMFM14220194
Received 18 December 2018 • Received in revised form 15 May 2019
Accepted 17 May 2019 • Available online 1 June 2019