
ABSTRACT. Following Bell and Federman (2013), this paper aims to prove that the development of electronically supported instruction in postsecondary education is not restricted to online courses and programs but comprises a wide-ranging bundle of utilizations and methodologies that employ technology in various manners and to inconstant degrees. There is a diversity of grounds for the advancement of e-learning in postsecondary entities, encompassing a demand to bring about new returns streams, increase access, provide learners outstanding scheduling adjustability and the lack of restrictions to perform at their own rate, and moderate rising expenses. I am specifically interested in how previous research investigated the idea that e-learning can be employed either as an unincorporated delivery instrument or as an addition to face-to-face education. Universities should consider how they may enhance their course enrollment and exert a pull on new learners by providing education via e-learning applications.
JEL codes: I23; D83

Keywords: e-learning; postsecondary education; scheduling adjustability; learning outcomes; teaching conditions

How to cite: Popescu, Gheorghe H. (2017), “The Economics of E-learning Production,” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 12(1): 68–74.

Received 22 March 2016 • Received in revised form 14 May 2016
Accepted 16 May 2016 • Available online 15 June 2016


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