
ABSTRACT. The sexuality of women has been much theorizing about the nature, characteristics and alleged deficiencies. Such theories are based on an androcentric view of sexuality in the Middle Ages revolves around two core beliefs. First, the imaginary medieval sexuality perceived as an activity linked exclusively to reproduction and sexual pleasure. Second, female sexuality is projected symbolically as a phenomenon endowed with negative connotations and even destructive defined in terms of greed, insatiability and animalism. The article analyzes the perceptions of female sexuality in the late Middle Ages through the medical treatises, hygienists and theology, its relation to the Complaint of Women and its association with anthropological concepts of transgression and monstrosity. pp. 48–66

Keywords: sexuality; demonology; patristic; transgression; monstrosity

How to cite: Beteta Martín, Yolanda (2013), “The Servants of the Devil. The Demonization of Female Sexuality in the Medieval Patristic Discourse,” Journal of Research in Gender Studies 3(2): 48–66.

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