
ABSTRACT. An important theoretical advancement in the study of gender has been the interactionist perspective with a body of empirical work focusing on “Doing Gender.” This historical review will discuss the roots and development of doing gender as well as review the transition from sex differences to body politics. The literature shows that the body itself has meanings and that gender processes ultimately construct social dimensions of power and inequality. Additionally, this review will look specifically at gendered institutions both as process and as structure while challenging the idea that gender is a property only of individuals. Lastly, a theme throughout the paper will focus on the intersectional paradigm in the study of gender as suggested by Hill Collins and others. pp. 69–82

Keywords: gender; doing gender; structure; intersectionality; gender process; sex roles

How to cite: Terry, April (2016), “Reconceptualizing Gender: A Historical Perspective from Structure to Process and Intersectionality,” Journal of Research in Gender Studies 6(2): 69–82.

Received 24 April 2016 • Received in revised form 23 August 2016
Accepted 23 August 2016 • Available online 10 September 2016


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