
ABSTRACT. A virus, as a vital power, by challenging human life, paradoxically provokes immunity by protecting as much as denying life. The vitality of the virus threatens the life of humanity; it imposes and controls world politics, so that biopolitics is not only about control over life but also about control of life. The life of the community is threatened by the life of a virus, and it is against this risk that the community must be immunized. When the pandemic endangers the way of governing the biological life of populations, questions arise as to how the pandemic positions immunity as the strategic epicentre of biopolitics, and in what sense the pandemic makes protection and denial of life the substantive focus of control and management of the biological life of populations. pp. 48–54

Keywords: COVID-19; immunity; biopolitics; Foucault


Ana Maria Valle
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National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

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