MICHAEL A. PETERSMaria Olson is a researcher and lecturer in Education at Stockholm University and the University of Skövde, Sweden. Her areas of interest include democracy and citizenship in relation to education. Her major fields are educational theory and educational philosophy. Her current publications include most recently a series of papers that develop themes of citizenship, democracy and social justice, including: “Citizenship Education without Citizenship? The Migrant in EU Policy on Participatory Citizenship – Toward the Margin through ‘Strangification,’” in R. Hedke and T. Zimenkova (eds.), Education for Civic and Political Participation: A Critical Approach (pp. 155–170). London: Routledge, 2012; “Citizenship ‘in Between’: The Local and the Global Scope of European Citizenship in Swedish Educational Policy,” in S. Goncales and M. A. Carpenter (eds.), Intercultural Policies and Education (pp. 193–203). New York: Peter Lang, 2012; “The European ‘We’: From Citizenship Policy to the Role of Education,” Studies in Philosophy and Education 31(1), 77–89, 2012; “Opening Discourses of Citizenship Education: Theorizing with Foucault” (with Nicoll, K., Fejes, A., Dahlstedt, M. & Biesta, G. J. J.), Journal of Education Policy, 2013 (forthcoming); “Democracy Lessons in Market-oriented Schools: The Case of Swedish Upper Secondary Education,” Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, online first, Doi: 10.1177/17461979134836842013 (with Lundahl, Lisbeth), 2013; “What Counts as Young People’s Civic Engagement in Times of Accountability? On the Importance of Maintaining Openness about Young People’s Civic Engagement in Education,” in M. Olson (ed.), Theme: Citizenship Education under Liberal Democracy. Utbildning & Demokrati [Education & Democracy] 21(1), 29–55, 2012. pp. 112–120