The Economics of the Carbon Tax: Environmental Performance, Sustainable Energy, and Green Financial Behavior
Luminița IonescuABSTRACT. This paper analyzes the outcomes of an exploratory review of the current research on the economics of the carbon tax. The data used for this study was obtained and replicated from previous research conducted by GMU/CCCC, Kotchen et al. (2017), Mainstreet, NYU Institute for Policy Integrity, Pew Research Center, Postmedia, SLU, Statista, and YP/CCC. I performed analyses and made estimates regarding the relationship between environmental performance, sustainable energy, and green financial behavior. Data collected from 5,200 respondents are tested against the research model by using structural equation modeling.
Keywords: carbon tax; environmental performance; sustainable energy
How to cite: Ionescu, L. (2020). “The Economics of the Carbon Tax: Environmental Performance, Sustainable Energy, and Green Financial Behavior,” Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 12(1): 101–107. doi:10.22381/GHIR121202010
Received 5 March 2020 • Received in revised form 6 May 2020
Accepted 8 May 2020 • Available online 27 June 2020