COVID-19 Response and Recovery in Smart Sustainable City Governance and Management: Data-driven Internet of Things Systems and Machine Learning-based Analytics
Roger Scott et al.ABSTRACT. Employing recent research results covering smart sustainable city governance and management, and building our argument by drawing on data collected from CompTIA, Deloitte, DNV GL, ICMA, KPMG, PTI, RICS, and SCC, we performed analyses and made estimates regarding data-driven Internet of Things systems and machine learning-based analytics. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the collected data.
Keywords: COVID-19; smart sustainable city; big data; Internet of Things
How to cite: Scott, R., Poliak, M., Vrbka, J., and Nica, E. (2020). “COVID-19 Response and Recovery in Smart Sustainable City Governance and Management: Data-driven Internet of Things Systems and Machine Learning-based Analytics,” Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 12(2): 16–22. doi:10.22381/GHIR12220202
Received 18 July 2020 • Received in revised form 23 October 2020
Accepted 25 October 2020 • Available online 27 October 2020