
ABSTRACT. This works examines the contribution of the neuroscientific research in the cognitive transfer for the development of transversal capacities allowing a holistic education in the knowledge society. In the first part we introduce the relationship between Cognitive Neurosciences and educational research by highlighting the pedagogical needs of a complete multidisciplinary close examination in the human development. The second paragraph gives a review of the main stages of the neuroscientific studies on memory, cognition and emotions with particular reference to the research by Antonio Damasio for a re-reading of the dynamics of the teaching- learning process. Then, the emphasis moves to the consequences of the neuroscientific research on corporeality, understood as the primary dimension of experience. Finally, the discussion focuses on the cerebralization of knowledge in the cognitive transfer, with the clarification of the main educational implications of the rediscovered harmony between mind and body. pp. 41–53

Keywords: cognitive neurosciences; transfer; cognition; emotion; didactics

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I Circolo Didattico di Giugliano (NA)
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University of Salerno
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University of Salerno

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