Regulating Government and Private Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Drone Policymaking, Law Enforcement Deployment, and Privacy Concerns
Doina Popescu LjungholmABSTRACT. This research investigates the relationship between drone policymaking, law enforcement deployment, and privacy concerns. Building my argument by drawing on data collected from BI Intelligence, FAA, GlobalWebIndex, McKinsey, Pew Research Center, Statista, USPS, and YouGov, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding unmanned-aerial-system applications, requirements for unmanned-traffic-management (UTM) systems that direct drone flights (%, as relevance), top U.S. industries using drones (%), consumer interest in using drones (%, in each age group, 16–24/25–34/35–44/45–54/55–64), % of U.S. respondents who would trust a drone delivery service run by certain companies, % in each age group (18–29/30–49/50–64/65+) who think it should not be allowed for private citizens to fly drones near people’s homes/on beaches/in public parks/at events such as concerts or rallies, and % of U.S. adults who say they would feel curious/interested/nervous/indifferent/excited/angry/scared if they saw a drone flying close to where they live. The data for this research were gathered via an online survey questionnaire and were analyzed through structural equation modeling on a sample of 4,800 respondents.
Keywords: drone; private use; regulation; law enforcement; privacy concern
How to cite: Popescu Ljungholm, Doina (2019). “Regulating Government and Private Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Drone Policymaking, Law Enforcement Deployment, and Privacy Concerns,” Analysis and Metaphysics 18: 16–22. doi:10.22381/AM1820192
Received 22 March 2019 • Received in revised form 20 August 2019
Accepted 23 August 2019 • Available online 5 September 2019