
ABSTRACT. Empirical evidence on smartphone addiction and its relationship with mental health and psychosocial well-being has been scarcely documented in the literature. Using and replicating data from Pew Research Center, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding % of U.S. teens who say social media has had a mostly positive effect/neither positive, nor negative effect/a mostly negative effect on people their own age, % of adults who say people should be very concerned/somewhat concerned about children being exposed to harmful or immoral content when using their mobile phones, and % of adult mobile phone users who say their phone is something that ties them down/frees them/makes them waste time/ helps them save time/they don’t always need/they couldn’t live without. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.

Keywords: smartphone addiction; depression; anxiety; personality

How to cite: Chessell, Darren (2019). “Smartphone Addiction and Its Relationship with Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-Being: The Role of Depression, Anxiety, and Personality Factors,” Analysis and Metaphysics 18: 57–63. doi:10.22381/AM1820198

Received 9 May 2019 • Received in revised form 11 November 2019
Accepted 16 November 2019 • Available online 5 December 2019

Darren Chessell
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The Center for Cognitive Technology-driven
Automation, Ottawa, Canada

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