The Social Ethics of Self-Driving Cars: Public Perceptions and Predictions of Autonomous Vehicle Safety Risks
Helen JonesABSTRACT. Despite the relevance of the social ethics of self-driving cars, only limited research has been conducted on this topic. Using and replicating data from AAA, ANSYS, Atomik Research, AUVSI, Capgemini, McKinsey, Perkins Coie, Pew Research Center, Schoettle & Sivak (2014), Statista, and YouGov, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding public perceptions and predictions of autonomous vehicle safety risks. The results of a study based on data collected from 4,500 respondents provide support for my research model. Using the structural equation modeling, I gathered and analyzed data through a self-administrated questionnaire.
Keywords: self-driving; car; perception; prediction; safety; risk
How to cite: Jones, H. (2020). “The Social Ethics of Self-Driving Cars: Public Perceptions and Predictions of Autonomous Vehicle Safety Risks,” Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 12(1): 37–43. doi:10.22381/CRLSJ12120205
Received 16 February 2020 • Received in revised form 8 July 2020
Accepted 9 July 2020 • Available online 10 July 2020