Gendered Power Relations and Inequalities in Youth Sexting Culture: Objectification of Feminine Sexuality, Self-Discovery and Intimacy, and Social Shaming
Kathryn HarrowerABSTRACT. Based on an in-depth survey of the literature, the purpose of the paper is to better understand the relationship between objectification of feminine sexuality, self-discovery and intimacy, and social shaming. Using and replicating data from MediaSmarts, Miami University, Netsafe, Our Watch, Pew Research Center, Plan International Australia, Relationships Australia, Strohmaier et al. (2014), and Statista, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding personal experiences with different behaviors related to the sharing nudes in the past 12 months (yes, %), main reasons for sexting by gender (%), and share of 15–24 year olds who posted sex photos or videos online (by gender and age). Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.
Keywords: sexting; inequality; self-discovery; objectification; intimacy; social shaming
How to cite: Harrower, Kathryn (2019). “Gendered Power Relations and Inequalities in Youth Sexting Culture: Objectification of Feminine Sexuality, Self-Discovery and Intimacy, and Social Shaming,” Journal of Research in Gender Studies 9(2): 64–70. doi:10.22381/JRGS9220196
Received 14 July 2019 • Received in revised form 7 December 2019
Accepted 8 December 2019 • Available online 15 December 2019