
ABSTRACT. In Bangladesh, NGOs run open basic education (Grade: 1–5), and skills training and lifelong learning (L3) programs: continuing education (CE) through non-formal setting in their own innovative way where there are mix of delivery mode such as face-to-face (f2f), distance education (DE) using primers, and in some cases, learning CDs. CE programs are run under ODL setting which is known as open non-formal education (ONFE) in the NGO literature where appropriate gender-sensitive materials (primers) are used because these are especially important for women who live in countries where they are seen principally as homemakers and careers of children, and where their social and cultural norms make attending face-to-face sessions difficult. Few NGOs use ICT materials for livelihood skills training and L3 programs which require looking whether they are able to manage the principles of gender-sensitivity which are: avoid stereotyping, tokenism and using male-only authority role models. This technology-mediated learning expands access to quality education and training for girls/women and boys/men non-formal settings and to promote the development of gender-sensitive policies, systems and materials. This paper investigates integrating of gender concerns in all initiatives and gender-related activity in the selected ICT-based learning materials. pp. 64–71


Keywords: NGOs, Non-formal, Learning, Gender, ICT

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Bangladesh Open University, Bangladesh
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Bangladesh Open University, Bangladesh
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Indira Gandhi National Open University, India

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