
ABSTRACT. The aim of this systematic review is to synthesize and analyze human digital twin and neuromorphic image processing systems, haptic bodysuits, and metaverse assets and services. In this research, prior findings were cumulated indicating that virtual reality-based immersive experiences can be achieved by use of multiscale spatial data processing and contextual data monitoring tools, geolocation data mining and tracking, and wearable haptic garments. We carried out a quantitative literature review of ProQuest, Scopus, and the Web of Science throughout December 2022, with search terms including “real-time interoperable decentralized metaverse” + “immersive extended reality and remote sensing technologies,” “simulation modeling and spatial data acquisition tools,” and “cooperative decision and control algorithms.” As we analyzed research published between 2022 and 2023, only 183 papers met the eligibility criteria. By removing controversial or unclear findings (scanty/unimportant data), results unsupported by replication, undetailed content, or papers having quite similar titles, we decided on 37, chiefly empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AXIS, Distiller SR, ROBIS, and SRDR.

Keywords: immersive extended reality and remote sensing technologies; simulation modeling and spatial data acquisition tools; cooperative decision and control algorithms; metaverse

How to cite: Zvarikova, K., Trnka, M., and Lăzăroiu, G. (2023). “Immersive Extended Reality and Remote Sensing Technologies, Simulation Modeling and Spatial Data Acquisition Tools, and Cooperative Decision and Control Algorithms in a Real-Time Interoperable Decentralized Metaverse,” Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 22: 43–59. doi: 10.22381/lpi2220233.

Received 24 January 2023 • Received in revised form 20 May 2023
Accepted 25 May 2023 • Available online 30 May 2023

1Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of Economics, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovak Republic, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
2Transport Research Institute, JSC, Zilina, Slovakia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
3The Institute of Smart Big Data Analytics, New York, NY, USA; Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (corresponding author)

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