MITCHELL UDELLABSTRACT. I inspect the relevant literature on gendered power and harassment in sexualized institutional environments, providing both quantitative evidence on trends and numerous in-depth empirical examples. Building my argument by drawing on data collected from Bucknell Institute for Public Policy, DW, The Economist, Federal Anti-Discrimination Office, Morning Consult, and YouGov, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding percentage who say the #MeToo movement has made them more concerned about sexual harassment and assault young women/false allegations of sexual harassment or assault young men could face throughout their life and percentage of adults agreeing false accusations of sexual assault are a bigger problem than unreported assaults/women who complain about sexual harassment cause more problems than they solve/men who sexually harassed women 20 years ago should not lose their jobs today.
Keywords: gendered power; harassment; sexualized institutional environment; #MeToo
How to cite: Udell, Mitchell (2018). “Gendered Power and Harassment in Sexualized Institutional Environments,” Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 10(2): 50–56.
Received 8 May 2018 • Received in revised form 28 July 2018
Accepted 1 August 2018 • Available online 22 August 2018