
ABSTRACT. Employing recent research results covering real-time data-driven technologies, and building our argument by drawing on data collected from Pew Research Center, we performed analyses and made estimates regarding % of Facebook users who say they think users have no/a little/a lot of control over the content that appears in their newsfeed and % of social media users who say it is acceptable for social media sites to use data about them and their online activities to recommend events in their area/recommend someone they might want to know/show them ads for products and services/show them messages from political campaigns (by age group). Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the collected data.

Keywords: data-driven technology; automated decision-making process; intricate algorithm

How to cite: Westbrook, Lorena, Aurel Pera, Octav Neguriță, Iulia Grecu, and Gheorghe Grecu (2019). “Real-Time Data-driven Technologies: Transparency and Fairness of Automated Decision-Making Process Governed by Intricate Algorithms,” Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 11(1): 45–50. doi:10.22381/CRLSJ11120197

Received 8 March 2019 • Received in revised form 5 July 2019
Accepted 10 July 2019 • Available online 15 July 2019

Lorena Westbrook
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The Groningen Center for Smart Economy
at AAER, the Netherlands
(corresponding author)
Aurel Pera
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University of Craiova, Romania
Octav Neguriță
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Spiru Haret University, Constanța, Romania
Iulia Grecu
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Spiru Haret University, Constanța, Romania
Gheorghe Grecu
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Spiru Haret University, Constanța, Romania

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