The Design, Implementation, and Operation of Self-Driving Cars: Ethical, Security, Safety, and Privacy Issues
Nela MircicăABSTRACT. Empirical evidence on the design, implementation, and operation of self-driving cars has been scarcely documented in the literature. Using and replicating data from Abraham et al. (2017), ANSYS, AUVSI, Atomik Research, Axios, BCG, eMarketer, Ipsos, McKinsey, OpinionWay Research, Perkins Coie, SAE, Schoettle & Sivak (2014), Statista, and World Economic Forum, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding attitudes toward self-driving cars among U.S. adults (%), hardest technologies to hack according to consumers (%), willingness to use automation in vehicles (%), and the top challenges in bringing autonomous vehicles to market (%). Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.
Keywords: self-driving car; automotive active safety systems; risk; safety
How to cite: Mircică, Nela (2019). “The Design, Implementation, and Operation of Self-Driving Cars: Ethical, Security, Safety, and Privacy Issues,” Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 11(2): 43–48. doi:10.22381/CRLSJ11220196
Received 16 May 2019 • Received in revised form 22 October 2019
Accepted 23 October 2019 • Available online 15 November 2019