Data Privacy and Security Vulnerabilities of Smart and Sustainable Urban Space Monitoring Systems
Natalia A. Zhuravleva et al.ABSTRACT. Despite the relevance of data privacy and security vulnerabilities of smart and sustainable urban space monitoring systems, only limited research has been conducted on this topic. Using and replicating data from AUVSI, ESI ThoughtLab, KPMG, McKinsey, Perkins Coie, Phillips, and SmartCitiesWorld, we performed analyses and made estimates regarding potential improvement through current generation of smart city applications, from time of implementation (%), key actions needed to improve smart cities’ living environment (%), main challenges cities are addressing through smart initiatives (%), and smart applications that will be relevant for cities through 2025 (security, %). The results of a study based on data collected from 4,800 respondents provide support for our research model. Using the structural equation modeling and employing the probability sampling technique, we gathered and analyzed data through a self-administrated questionnaire.
Keywords: data privacy; security vulnerability; urban space monitoring system
How to cite: Zhuravleva, Natalia A., Karin Cadge, Milos Poliak, and Ivana Podhorska (2019). “Data Privacy and Security Vulnerabilities of Smart and Sustainable Urban Space Monitoring Systems,” Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 11(2): 56–62. doi:10.22381/CRLSJ11220198
Received 7 May 2019 • Received in revised form 10 October 2019
Accepted 17 October 2019 • Available online 15 November 2019