DOINA POPESCU LJUNGHOLMABSTRACT. The mainstay of the paper is formed by an analysis of the character and effectiveness of links and the communication flows in which people and organizations are entrenched, the significance of social relations in organizational contexts, the circumstances in which social capital can thrive in organizations, and social media’s role in improving organizational knowledge. The theory that I shall seek to elaborate here puts considerable emphasis on the antecedents and mutual results of organizational social capital, social capital as an intra-organizational event, the impact of the entire social relationships on worker’s mutual approach towards the organization, and the decisive socialization practices of new employees in entities. pp. 108–114
Keywords: social capital; organization; performance; socialization; communication
How to cite: Popescu Ljungholm, Doina (2016), “Organizational Social Capital and Performance Management,” Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 15: 108–114.
Received 12 August 2015 • Received in revised form 5 February 2016
Accepted 6 February 2016 • Available online 20 May 2016