
ABSTRACT. The study aims at providing a pertinent analysis on canon 82 of the 6th ecumenical council of Trullo, 692, analysis that is carried out from several points of view: theological, canonical and dogmatic. Thus, the author draws out the general guidelines of the ecclesiastical and historical context of the canon, highlighting its significance since, through the Fathers who participated in the 6th ecumenical council in Trullo (692), the Church established a canon for painting our Saviour Jesus Christ. Arguing that the canon displays a rather theological-doctrinal content than a legal one, the author discusses various aspects involved in rendering Jesus Christ with a human face, highlighting that canon 82 is the first iconographic canon that confirms the existence of the iconographic painting. At the same time, canon 82 of Trullo restates the dogmatic basis of the icon, namely the incarnation of the Saviour also applying to the representation of any saint of the Church, whose human nature must be rendered.

Keywords: canon 82 of Trullo; icon; iconography; human representation; canonical tradition

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Dumitru Stăniloae Faculty of Orthodox Theology,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași, Romania

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