
ABSTRACT. This study aims to present some of the most renowned miracle-working icons from Romania. The history of the icons of the Theotokos starts with the Holy Tradition of the Church, which describes the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke as the very first iconographer; he painted the three icons of the Theotokos holding the Holy Child. Of these, the most well-known is called Hodegetria. We have based our research on the icons of the Theotokos from the following Romanian monasteries: Dintr-un Lemn, Neamț, Nămăiești, Ghighiu, Nicula, Sihastria Voronei, and Dervent.

Keywords: Theotokos icon; ecumenical council; Hodegetria; Eleousa; Theotokos of the Passion (Strasnaya); Sweet-kissing (Glykophilousa)

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PhD; Professor at Babeș-Bolyai University,
Faculty of Orthodox Theology;
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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