Innovative Data-driven Smart Urban Ecosystems: Environmental Sustainability, Governance Networks, and the Cognitive Internet of Things
Robert Tuyls, Aurel PeraABSTRACT. We draw on a substantial body of theoretical and empirical research on innovative data-driven smart urban ecosystems, and using and replicating data from Black & Veatch, ESI ThoughtLab, IHS Markit, and Statista, we performed analyses and made estimates regarding average priority level of objectives driving smart city projects, spending on smart cities worldwide in 2015 and 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars), annual budget directed towards smart city investments (%), difficulties faced by smart cities by challenges (%), the Internet of Things units installed base by category (2014–2020), and share of smart cities projects by type worldwide (%). Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data and test the proposed conceptual model.
Keywords: big data; smart urban ecosystem; environmental sustainability; Internet of Things
How to cite: Tuyls, Robert, and Aurel Pera (2019). “Innovative Data-driven Smart Urban Ecosystems: Environmental Sustainability, Governance Networks, and the Cognitive Internet of Things,” Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 11(1): 116–121. doi:10.22381/GHIR11120198
Received 15 December 2018 • Received in revised form 12 May 2019
Accepted 14 May 2019 • Available online 1 June 2019