Sustainable Smart Cities: Networked Digital Technologies, Cognitive Big Data Analytics, and Information Technology-driven Economy
Natalia A. Zhuravleva et al.ABSTRACT. We inspect the relevant literature on sustainable smart cities, providing both quantitative evidence on trends and numerous in-depth empirical examples. The data used for this study was obtained and replicated from previous research conducted by ESI ThoughtLab, McKinsey, and Osborne Clarke. We performed analyses and made estimates regarding how cities can be catalysts for better health and wellness (%), what governments should do to incentivize investment in smart technologies (%), and citizens’ sentiment on need for investment in energy technologies (%). Data collected from 4,600 respondents are tested against the research model by using structural equation modeling.
Keywords: sustainable smart city; networked digital technology; big data analytics
How to cite: Zhuravleva, Natalia A., Elvira Nica, and Pavol Durana (2019). “Sustainable Smart Cities: Networked Digital Technologies, Cognitive Big Data Analytics, and Information Technology-driven Economy,” Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 11(2): 41–47. doi:10.22381/GHIR11220196
Received 15 February 2019 • Received in revised form 24 September 2019
Accepted 29 September 2019 • Available online 1 October 2019