MADALINA TOMESCU, LILIANA TROFINABSTRACT. In this paper we examine different arguments that could be used to point out the geopolitical relevance of the Black Sea area. Manoli posits that the Black Sea represents a paradox in terms of conflict and cooperation, of unity and diversity, and remarks that there is no agreement over the existence of a Black Sea “regionness” either in terms of culture and identity or in terms of economic interdependencies. Emerson claims that there are quite a number of types of regionalism open for consideration in the case of the Black Sea, and that there are two overriding security fears shared by all or most Black Sea states: international radical Islamic terrorism and the security of energy supplies. Tsereteli holds that Europe needs a deep level of integration with the Black Sea-Caspian region to meet its own needs of long-term political and economic security. (pp. 146–151)