Data-driven Internet of Things Systems and Urban Sensing Technologies in Integrated Smart City Planning and Management
Barbara HarrisABSTRACT. I develop a conceptual framework based on a systematic and com- prehensive literature review on data-driven Internet of Things systems and urban sensing technologies in integrated smart city planning and management. Building my argument by drawing on data collected from City of Sydney, Deloitte, DNV GL, Johnson Controls, KPMG, OAV, Siemens, and Volkswagen Group China, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding smart city strategies, platforms, and technologies. The data for this research were gathered via an online survey questionnaire. Descriptive statistics of compiled data from the completed surveys were calculated when appropriate.
Keywords: urban sensing; smart city; Internet of Things; big data analytics; planning
How to cite: Harris, B. (2021). “Data-driven Internet of Things Systems and Urban Sensing Technologies in Integrated Smart City Planning and Management,” Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 13(1): 53–63. doi: 10.22381/GHIR13120215.
Received 15 March 2021 • Received in revised form 11 June 2021
Accepted 16 June 2021 • Available online 22 June 2021