Internet of Things Sensing Infrastructures and Urban Big Data Analytics in Smart Sustainable City Governance and Management
Peter GibsonABSTRACT. I draw on a substantial body of theoretical and empirical research on Internet of Things sensing infrastructures and urban big data analytics in smart sustainable city governance and management, and to explore this, I inspected, used, and replicated survey data from Capgemini, City of Sydney, ICMA, JLL, KPMG, RICS, SCC, and The University of Adelaide, performing analyses and making estimates regarding planning, managing, and operating smart sustainable cities. Descriptive statistics of compiled data from the completed surveys were calculated when appropriate.
Keywords: Internet of Things; smart sustainable city; urban big data analytics
How to cite: Gibson, P. (2021). “Internet of Things Sensing Infrastructures and Urban Big Data Analytics in Smart Sustainable City Governance and Management,” Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 13(1): 42–52. doi: 10.22381/GHIR13120214.
Received 16 March 2021 • Received in revised form 15 June 2021
Accepted 18 June 2021 • Available online 22 June 2021