Computationally Networked Urbanism and Data-driven Planning Technologies in Smart and Environmentally Sustainable Cities
Helen Cooper et al.ABSTRACT. Based on an in-depth survey of the literature, the purpose of the paper is to explore computationally networked urbanism and data-driven planning technologies in smart and environmentally sustainable cities. Using and replicating data from Bentley, CompTIA, Deloitte, ICMA, KPMG, PTI, RICS, SCC, and The University of Adelaide, we performed analyses and made estimates regarding the implementation of smart city technologies. Descriptive statistics of compiled data from the completed surveys were calculated when appropriate.
Keywords: smart city; sustainability; networked urbanism; big data; planning
How to cite: Cooper, H., Poliak, M., and Konecny, V. (2021). “Computationally Networked Urbanism and Data-driven Planning Technologies in Smart and Environmentally Sustainable Cities,” Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 13(1): 20–30. doi: 10.22381/GHIR13120212.
Received 15 March 2021 • Received in revised form 11 June 2021
Accepted 17 June 2021 • Available online 22 June 2021