
ABSTRACT. The military post-modern era has brought new threats and challenges to the most relevant armed forces and it refers to the new operational scenario framed by the Revolution in Military Affairs which is based upon technical and sociocultural changes that have been confronting military organizations. This study focuses on the cultural changes required by this new operational context, emphasizing the role of education and training of military personnel in order to better benefit from technical and technological means. It also highlights that if influence of technology on tactics, operations, doctrine, planning, equipment and training of military formations is often to be considered dependent on financial possibilities, opportunity costs of developments and acquisitions; on the other hand, the impacts of technology on these issues are also dependent on investments in military education to develop and appropriately use technology and technical means to deploy in post-modern scenarios. pp. 70–84

Keywords: Revolution in Military Affairs; military education; peace mission; multiculturalism

How to cite: Pinto Costa, Rejane (2014), "The Revolution in Military Affairs in the Scope of Military Education," Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 6(2): 70–84.

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