DOINA POPESCU LJUNGHOLMABSTRACT. In the present paper, I focus on the elements influencing persons’ judgment to undertake public sphere employment, the motivational capacity of public service, the beneficial results of public service motivations, and the detrimental consequences of performance-related pay on underlying reasons. The material gathered in this study provides a rich and diverse context for understanding the motivational foundations of public service, intrinsic vs. extrinsic compensations as drivers of persons’ decision to undertake public service employment, intrinsic incentives of public sphere workers, and the success of flexible pay systems in the public sphere. pp. 7–12
Keywords: intrinsic motivation; public sector worker; reward
How to cite: Popescu Ljungholm, Doina (2014), "Intrinsic Motivation among Public Sector Workers," Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 6(2): 7–12.